Openning hours: Shopping Mall CLOSED, Auchan Hipermarket CLOSED

About us

Car park at Galeria Bronowice

There are 2400 free car parking spaces for our customers located on 3 storeys: level -1 (1,400 cars), level +1 (the area above Auchan, 500 cars) and level +2 (on the roof, above the car park on the level +1, fits 500 cars).

Intelligent electronic system managing the parking area gives real time indication about free parking spaces available. To make finding an empty space easier, for signalling the vacant places we have adopted signal diodes and placed them above the parking spaces: when the space is vacant the diode emits green light, when it is occupied, the light is red. As a result, we have a continual flow of cars, nothing is obstructing the traffic and the time needed to find a vacant space is reduced to the minimum.

There are parking spaces for the disabled in our car park, and also special wide and comfortable spaces for families with children.