Openning hours: Shopping Mall CLOSED, Auchan Hipermarket CLOSED

Privacy policy

Privacy policy

I. General terms.

1. This Privacy Policy tells you how we protect the personal details of the Users of the website located at the address and each of the pages of the website of a given Shopping Centre or a Shopping mall (later referred to as: Service).

2. The Administrator of the personal data submitted by the Users of the Service is Auchan Polska Sp. z o.o. in Piaseczno, with its registered office in Piaseczno, at ulica Puławska 38, 05-500 Piaseczno, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XIV Business Division KRS number 0000032892, NIP 526-03-09-174, REGON 010001888, with share capital of PLN 2,324,895,800 (later referred to as: Auchan or the personal data Administrator).

3. The content of the sites of service is owned by the personal data Administrator and is legally protected.

4. To be able to access the Service a User should have a computer or a device equipped with software that allows them to view websites and has access to the Internet. The Service can be accessed through the most popular internet browsers.

5. Personal data Administrator declares that the pages of the Service do not contain any content violating third-party rights or applicable laws and regulations, and in particular, there is no content including information that may cause or represent a likely threat to privacy or safety of any person, or that contains information promoting illegal activities or behaviour that is abusive, threatening, obscene, defamatory or libellous, evoking racism, ethnic, cultural, or religious discrimination, promoting or conducive to criminal activities, violating third-party rights, including intellectual property rights or constituting any other form of violation of legally protected interests or goods.

II. The purpose of data collection.

Personal data Administrator processes the data provided voluntarily by the Users in order and to the extent necessary to provide the Service, and in particular to ensure the possibility of contact with the User when an offer to lease a commercial space is made, when the details of a customer complaint pertaining to the Service are being processed by the Administrator, when comments are published on the pages Fashion and Blog, and - depending on the User’s consent - to send a Newsletter containing marketing information via electronic means of communication within the meaning of the Act of 18 July 2002 on electronic services (Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 144, item 1204).

III. Right of access.

1. Users have the right to supplement, update and correct their personal data, temporarily or permanently cease processing the data or delete it if the data is not complete, out-of-date, false, or has been collected illegally or no longer required for the purpose for which it has been collected.

2. The Administrator reserves the right to refuse to remove user’s data if it is necessary to keep it for the purpose of processing the claims or if it is required by applicable law.

IV. Access to data by third parties.

1. Only authorized staff members or colleagues of the Administrator and authorized people dealing with servicing have direct access to personal data collected by the Administrator.

2. Personal data Administrator does not share Users’ personal data with other recipients of the data. Users’ personal data shall only be made available to state authorities or local or regional authorities if necessary for the legal proceedings conducted.

V. Safeguarding and protection of personal data.

1. Personal data Administrator declares that Users' personal details are processed in accordance with the Act of 29 August 1997 on the protection of personal data and that technical and organizational measures are used for the protection of the processed data relevant to hazard and category of data being protected, and in particular protects Users' personal details from sharing it to unauthorized users, from loss or damage.

2. This Privacy Policy does not include any information on services, or products belonging to the entities other than the Administrator, that were posted on the pages of the Service commercially, hospitably, on a reciprocal basis and are not intended to reach a commercial effect.

VI. Cookies.

Personal data administrator informs that the Service uses the following types of cookies to store information.

In accordance with provisions of the Act of 16 July 2004 Telecommunications Law

(Journal of Laws of 2004 No. 171, item 1800 with later amendments) the personal data Administrator informs that the manuals of the manufacturers of internet browsers contain the terms of use and removal of these programs:

Mozilla Firefox:

Internet Explorer:

Google Chrome:



VII. The final provisions.

1. All the enquiries pertaining to the Privacy Policy and personal data processing should be addressed to the personal data Administrator, as specified in point I or sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

2. Personal data administrator reserves the right to change Privacy Policy in a way that does not infringe the rules of processing the Users’ personal data.

Date of the event: 05.08.2013