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Calendar of events

Photographs that stimulate the senses. A new exhibition will be opening soon at the KSA Gallery

Date of event: 26.06.2024 - 10.07.2024

Family, landscape or portrait - regardless of the type, photographs surprise, provide many emotions and evoke memories. Visitors to the KSA Gallery will discover that they can almost be felt or heard. On June 26, the opening of two new photography exhibitions will take place here. Admission is free. The exhibitions will be available until July 10.

Two new exhibitions will soon be opened at the Gallery of Krakow Art Schools, located in Galeria Bronowice. This time, in the space opened last year, dedicated to meetings of creators with lovers of broadly understood art, the premiere diploma sessions of the School of Creative Photography will be presented. The authors of the works are Maja Rembak and Paweł Górniak.

Maja Rembak will take viewers on a journey, bringing back memories, smells and sounds from the depths of memory. "The Smell of Jaśmine" is an interpretation of the atmosphere of selected musical pieces, captured in frames, intended to stimulate the senses. The author of the second exhibition - Paweł Górniak - does not say much about it. It leaves room for interpretation to visitors, for whom an intriguing poster must be enough for now. What will we see at the "Blanks" exhibition and what are the titular "blanks"? The puzzle will be solved next Wednesday.

The openings will take place on June 26 at the KSA Gallery. At. At 6:00 p.m. there will be the official opening of the exhibition of Maja Rembak's works, and at 20:00 Paweł Górniak. Attention! The premises of the Krakow Art Schools are now located opposite the reading room of the Bronowice Gallery, on level +1.