Openning hours: Shopping Mall CLOSED, Auchan Hipermarket CLOSED

Fashion & shopping

EBS laundry

Location: Ground floor

Category: Services

The EBS laundry is the largest professional chain of laundries in Poland. Over 20 years of presence on the Polish market has given us the title of a leader in the laundry services industry. We have the best equipped technological facilities, and our employees are real experts in the field of laundry.
We offer our clients a comprehensive set of washing services every day and business clothing, home textiles, shoeshine, as well as leather range. 
Our AQUA-DRY water wash is a modern and ecological technology that protects fabrics and colors, effectively removes stains and persistent smells, and restores freshness and softness to your favorite clothes. Check it out.

The EBS laundry is:

  • the highest quality customer service
  • washing using the latest technologies in the industry
  • professionalism of services rendered
  • short lead time
  • attractive loyalty program for discount card holders