Openning hours: Shopping Mall CLOSED, Auchan Hipermarket CLOSED

Calendar of events

Open-air exhibition of the Cracow Museum

Date of event: 12.10.2021

The exhibition about Prądnik Biały is supposed to be a medium to consider whether the identity of the inhabitants of Prądnik does exist and whether the rich history of this space is a sufficient bond for the creation of a contemporary local community within Krakow. The exhibition is addressed primarily to the inhabitants of Prądnik, but also to schoolchildren and teachers, people interested in the past, present and future of the city, scientists, creators of culture and tourists who want to learn more about the history of Krakow.

On the boards we discuss issues related to the geographical space of today's District IV as well as the history of the towns located in its area, with particular emphasis on the most important historical events and processes. We discuss separately the phenomenon of the Prądnik bread.

In addition to topics related to the history of the settlement itself, we want to focus on the present day of Prądnik Biały - reflecting on the contemporary identity of the inhabitants of District IV - if the history of the settlement that gave the name of the district is a sufficient binder for the contemporary community, both for the incumbent inhabitants of former settlements and new residents.